Thursday, June 9, 2016

Oh Well

with the primaries basically over, guess the real politics of life can get started!  it's all there is on the news, repeat, repeat, repeat.  It's amazing how there are so many people living to give their opinion on just about everything and not knowing anything at all!  It's the same story over and over again, with little varied viewpoints across all the news channels.
that's what we get for living in a world that is so 'in your face, 24/7, news, nothing but the news'.
I sometimes think that maybe the 'opinion' news should be like a freight company from Raleigh, NC.
when asked about their hours of operations, I was told
"Oh, we are open 24/7, except Saturday and Sunday"
I replied, "WHAT!?!?....what's 24/7 about that...more like 24/5!?
there was silence on the other end of the phone! guess she had to think about that one and get back to me!

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