Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Unconditional Love

Been thinking.....
We know that we have unconditional love from God, our Father.
We extend unconditional love to our spouses, our children, our family members and our closest, truest friends.
Why do we not believe that we can be the recepient of unconditional love from these same people?
Are we not worthy?
Are we not a prince/princess in the Kingdom of God?
Shouldn't we count on this love from those in our Christian family?

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

New Blog...New Post

Been reading about these one-line journals, figured I would start simply here on blogspot and post an idea, a gratitude, a feeling as each day is happening.
just a quick posting of a current train of thought.
so here goes for 1/28/15
strange day today, emotions all over the place.  just heard about 2 classmates having passed away over the last couple days.  one's mortality comes to the forefront when this happens.  And as we age, these events will occur more often.  Prayers to the remaining family members and fellow classmates.